Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The breakfast on Sunday morning was wonderful - great food and great fellowship!!

In fact - how about sharing your recipes? Whoever made the French toast - YUMMY! And Ray's oatmeal was SOOO good! Want to make these at home.

Thanks to everyone who helped - especially those of you who helped to get things back in order for the children's ministry. You were a blessing to me personally!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For the men at AVC who may have missed the MANDATE breakfast on October 24, we interacted about times when our lives were iompacted by someone making the "big ask" - challenging us o step up and give, or serve, or lead , or follow someone else on a major adventure in a way that changed our lives. Maybe you can add your two cents by sharing on the Vineyard's blog spot! With that in mind, here is the lead in to our discussion time! Take a minute and share your own story!

Make the Big Ask

Taken from AXIOM, by Bill Hybels

See an example in Acts 16:1-3

Leadership is a lot about asking. After casting bold visions, leaders ask people to help make them become a reality. Leaders describe pressing problems … and then ask believers to devote their best thinking and most innovative ideas to solve them. In church work, leaders ask spiritual seekers to consider Christ. They ask believers to grow up in their faith. They ask staff members and volunteers and donors and contractors to show up and give their best time and money and energy and heart – all because they believe so much in the cause they’re pushing.

The longer I have had the chance to lead the bigger my “asks” have become. I have had no choice. As God laid big visions on my mind and heart, I realized that I was going to have to be absolutely shameless in asking people to join me in this grand, God-glorifying endeavor. And shamelessly ask I did.

In effect, I learned to yield to an interesting insight: people are actually flattered to be asked to do significant things for God. Granted, they might not always say yes – they can’t always say yes – but they are almost always honored by a wise and well-timed ask. The nature of human beings is such that we tend not to drift into better behaviors. We usually have to be asked by someone to consider taking life up a level. One of the greatest gifts you can give the people around you is to get in front of them, eyeball to eyeball, and ask them to step up and do something great for God. Do it well, and you’ll bring glory to God, esteem to the other person, and much needed resources to the kingdom of God.

Four Steps to Asking Well

  1. Set the context for a serious challenge and say, “God led me to challenge you to something significant today. Please know that I will be ok whether you accept the challenge or not. My goal is simply to be obedient to God’s prompting, not to force you into doing something.”
  2. Make the details of “the ask” as clear as you can. Give the best reasons why they are the people you felt you needed to approach particularly and why you believe they might want to consider this sacrifice or investment.
  3. Offer them time to take the opportunity before the Lord to seek his direction in the matter. Set a definite time for following up on their answer.
  4. Reassure them again that, as the Lord leads, any outcome for their decision is fine. Let them know you appreciate their willingness to give you the opportunity to ask.

In your groups share from your life experience:

- an instance where you were honored to be the object of a “big ask.”

- an instance where your life was radically changed by saying “yes” to someone else’s challenge to step up a level in your spiritual life.

- an instance where you missed an opportunity by saying “no” to someone else’s challenge to step up a level in your spiritual life and what that negative response cost you..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Huge Thanks...

Bill Lockhart led a team of 23 folks from the Atlanta Vineyard to serve a community of people on the west side of Atlanta whose homes were severely damaged by the flooding around the city in recent weeks. This team from AVC performed demolition work on 4 different homes, clearing debris and prepping homes for remodeling work. 

For those of you who volunteered your whole Saturday, and for Bill who initiated the effort, thank you so much for representing Jesus and AVC well. You guys are truly a blessing to us as a church family and to the city God has sent us. 

Youth Website

We are excited to let everyone know about the brand new Crash website... AVC's student ministry has been working toward this for a while now, and last week launched . Please click on the link and check things out... this has been built from the ground up by our very own James Sims and he has done an amazing job with it. We are working on developing some content still, but as the weeks go by, the youth themselves will be providing much of the content for the site. You don't have to be a teenager to sign up as part of our online community so feel free to keep tabs on our young people and what God is doing among them. 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Crash Braves Game Outing

Crash, the AVC student ministry, attended the Braves game at Turner Field on Wed. night. The good news is we had a fantastic time and returned with almost everybody that went... Just kidding, all 40 or so people that attended got home safely and probably skipped school on Thursday. 

At any rate, we got general admission tickets for very inexpensive but were blessed by a friend of James Rowell's named Rob Kalpak (pictured to the right). Rob is a season ticket holder who has won the hearts of many ushers and security guards and other stadium workers and one of his usher friends managed to reserve a block of 40 seats in her section, lower level, third base side. We got $20 seats for $3, so a special thanks to Rob and Arquida (the usher pictured above and left) for hooking up our youth. Also a special thanks to Lisa Tatarsky and Paul Sculley for coming along and allowing us to use their 15-passenger vans for church purposes. Here are a couple of photos with some more to come later.

And yes, there was a Jerry Springer sighting... that is a photo of him singing "Take me out to the ball game" during the 7th inning stretch.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Just a reminder that Mandate is meeting tomorrow at 8:30 am. We will meet til 10 and then start loading trucks. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Moving Day!

As most of you know, moving day is this Saturday, August 22. We are anticipating many volunteers will be contributing some amount of time to loading and unloading trucks. For the benefit of everyone involved, we wanted to post a list of the Transition Team. These individuals are each overseeing particular areas of the building and moving process. If you are inclined to serve in a specific department or with specific people, this will give you an idea of what needs to be done and who the players are. 

John Rowell – Team Leader, Telephone and Copier Transitions

Angela Tesch – Administration and Coordination

Greg Wooldridge – Office IT and Satellite Transition, 

Jim Howell and Michael Foraker – Sound and Video Transition

Heather Hunnicutt and Johnny Crist – Marketing Used Fixtures and Equipment

Susan Derderian – Counseling Office Needs

Jack Peavy – Moving Logistics

Julia Davidson – Office Inventory and AVC Account Transitions 

Ginger Rowell & Jerry Joiner – Moving Day Hospitality

Bryant Shufford – Waste Disposal and Clean Up, 

Johnny and Anne Crist – Interior Design in New Facility

Jerry Joiner – AVC Kitchen Transition

John Rowell – Office Corridor Coordinator on Moving Day

James Rowell – Kid Co, Youth, Prayer Room, Great Room Coordinator on Moving Day

Ralph Hale – Little Kid Co Coordinator on Moving Day

Bryant Shufford - Maintenance Supplies and Equipment Coordinator on Moving Day

We are really grateful for any time that you are able to give this weekend. We are hopeful that GOd will build a greater sense of community among his people on Saturday as we sweat and work together and Jesus' name. 

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thank you

We wanted to say thank you to those who participated in submitting questions for the service yesterday. We are hopeful that you received some helpful information, that you are assured of our commitment to Jesus and to becoming a people who will invade the kingdom of darkness with the Kingdom of light.

If you have a response to yesterday or further questions, consider this an appropriate forum to voice those things. Click on the comment link and let us know what's on your heart.

Lastly, keep checking back as we will continue to provide answers to questions that we received and for additional information and thoughts from us and each other.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Join the Discussion

We are entering a major transitional time as a church at the Atlanta Vineyard. In light of that reality, we want to invite all of you join a broader dialog in which you can voice questions, insights and feedback. That could be in response to a sermon, a class, someone else's comments or whatever else is on your heart. 

We have a deep conviction that the Spirit of God speaks to and through his people for the building up of the whole body. This is intended to create a context where you can express what God is doing in your own heart for the benefit of the church family. Obviously, we expect that as we engage in an open, on-going discussion about what God is doing among us as a people, that each of us will do so with humility and respect for each other. With that sole parameter, we invite you tell us what you are thinking, how you are feeling and most importantly, what God is saying to you. 

Our prayer is that we will all be more in touch with the activity of God among us and that we will learn how to better serve each other and Jesus, for God's glory and our good.